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Drive in Gr. 8 Graduation - Starts at 5:15pm

Friday, October 16, 2020 (All day)

Drive in  Grade 8 Graduation - Assigned parking when you arrive

Here are some final reminders for our Graduation Ceremony tomorrow. Please try and arrive prior to 5:15. We would like to start promptly so that we do not run out of sunlight! When you pull into the parking lot there will be someone there to direct you to your families’ spot. We are lucky to have Father Peter joining us as well for the evening.  

Graduates are welcome to wear whatever they are most comfortable in. I know the girls were looking forward to wearing their dresses and are more than welcome too! Just be mindful it might be a bit chilly.  

Graduates will need to wear a mask to come and accept their diploma. This is to keep everyone safe, Mr. Ernst and I will also be masked to abide by health and safety. There will be lots of opportunity to take photos at the end from a safe distanced unmasked.   

Lastly, please know that although it is not the celebration we envisioned we are working hard to make it the best possible. We are SO proud of our graduates and are very excited to see them tomorrow.